Providing urgent financial assistance to patients and their families since 1991

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Patient Information

If you, or a friend or family member has been listed for transplant, or has had a transplant we know that things might be difficult for you.


Not being able to work, or having additional expenditure if you have to  travel significant distances to your transplant center can have a major financial impact on you and your family, and cause you to feel worried and anxious.

We might be able to help.

We are not able to accept direct referrals, as all of our referrals come via hospital professionals, normally social workers, so if you are finding things difficult please speak to your transplant social worker, or ask your co-ordinator if the unit has anyone offering advice and support.


Here is a link to our page for claiming benefits and help with healthcare costs


You should always complete a free benefit check at to make sure you are claiming appropriately.


We can’t offer help with household bills or cost of living support, but we can offer grants of up to £375 to help you with specific things that might aid you transplant recovery.

Examples of grants we have given in the past include:

  • Replacing a broken fridge required to store essential medication.
  • Clothing grants.
  • Help with travelling expenses for your loved ones to visit you.

Remember, you are not alone on your journey and there are lots of ways for you to get support. Your transplant

coordinator might be able to link you to local support groups that will meet face to face, or online.


There are national charities that offer organ specific support, and many of these offer support for your family too.